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Currently, Argentina is one of the top world producers of confectionery sunflower due to its excellent soil and weather conditions that allow producers to achieve high levels of yield and quality.

Even though it is difficult to distinguish confectionery from oil sunflower, there are considerable differences in physical appearance of resulting seeds and its use. Confectionery Sunflower is a robust seed and fit for direct human consumption, therefore good practices in the field and processing plant are of the essence. This is a natural and tasty product, rich in minerals and vitamins, usually recommended on healthy diets, in addition to being consumed as a snack or confectionery ingredient.

Seeds are classified according to size, which is usually known as size caliber. The bigger the size caliber the greater the value. Large calibers are fit for human consumption while small calibers are for pet food.

Packaging: The plant provides our clients with Inshell sunflower in bags of 20 Kg or 50 Lbs.

Girasol Argentina
Calibre Girasol Argentina